Are you consuming the right amount of proteins?
Easily calculate your daily protein requirement to start living a healthy life, every day. Just enter your information, food consumption details, and generate your own protein report card in under 5 minutes!
Your average daily protein requirement is
Did you consume enough proteins today?
*Protein-O-Meter is a protein calculator designed and developed basis publicly available information and scientific recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) and protein requirements in nutrition determined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The tool is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.

Know Your Daily Protein Requirement with Protein-O-Meter
Proteins are one of three important macronutrients used by bodily organisms to produce energy to sustain bodily functions. They are made of 20 different types of amino acids, where the human body produces 11 of these amino acids, and the other 9 “essential amino acids” are attained through daily protein intake. It also helps build and repair cells and body tissue and helps regulate them.
Not only does protein intake help in staying active throughout the day but can also help in reducing mid-meal food cravings, burn fat and maintain a healthy heart. It accelerates wound healing by lowering inflammation and generating new tissue at the damaged site. And, it also aids in the production of antibodies that fight infections and disorders, as well as the maintenance and regeneration of cells.
The recommended daily amount of protein intake for an individual is 0.8 grams of protein per kg of the body weight. However, the ideal amount of daily protein intake per person is based on several factors, including age, gender, activity, health, overall diet and other variables. Whereas, if you are an individual who is a sportsperson or into exercising often, based on a study by RDI you must consume somewhere between to 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kg of body weight each day.
The public health initiative Right to Protein aims to raise widespread awareness about the critical need of enough and high-quality proteins in the daily diets. As a part of the initiative, an online general protein intake calculator named the Protein O Meter has also been designed based on the unique dietary patterns. The online protein calculator tool assists people of all age groups to track their daily protein consumption and make the required modifications by entering the right information. With over 300 food items calculating your protein intake requirements does not take more than 5 minutes including the results as well.
Here is how the Protein-O-Meter works:
Split into three different sections, the Protein-O-Meter will ask for general information about your body to measure you daily protein requirement
Second it asks for more information on what you have previously consumed, to understand your actual protein intake and finally in the result the Protein-O-Meter highlights any gaps between daily requirement and actual intake and makes recommendations on how the gaps must be filled
Step-1: Your minimum daily protein requirement:
- Enter your name
- Select your gender
- Enter your age in years
- Select your food preference
- Enter your weight in kgs
- Select Your Level of Activity
- Enter Your Height in Cms
The protein calculator then calculates your results and informs you
what should be your protein intake
Result - Your average daily protein requirement is
(example) 83.2
Step-2: Did you consume enough protein today:
- What Did You Eat For Breakfast Today?
- What Did You Eat For Lunch Today?
- What Did You Eat For Snacks Today?
- What Did You Eat For Dinner Today?
Tip: Make sure you remember what the food items you have consumed in the day.
Once all these steps are completed, all you need to do is click on Generate Protein Report Card. The protein counter tool then analyses your responses and provides you with the results in the form of report in an image that mentions your grade and informs you about your protein consumption for the day in grams.